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WHO Futures Art Exhibition: Envisioning the Future of Health in 2050

Art is a powerful tool in understanding ourselves and the world. This unique expression of human creativity and imagination serves as a repository of a society’s memory and a way of imagining the future: the metaphors, symbols and visuals transmit collective consciousness and make sense of shared lived experiences. History reveals that artists have helped reflect significant events, including past pandemics, and envisioned the future in their work. Explore more about the history of artists' role in reflecting pandemic.

Health has a direct effect on each and every one of us. Yet there is often no platform for individual and community experiences, hopes and concerns to be brought to the attention of health decision-makers. This is why the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Western Pacific is calling for creative expressions of people’s views in "The WHO Futures Art Exhibition: Envisioning the Future of Health in 2050” – the Region’s first art exhibition.

The exhibition will enable artists to showcase their vision of health and well-being in 2050 in the Western Pacific Region to a wide audience. The aim: to inspire positive change to achieve health for all.

Register & Submit
Join us in envisioning the future of health and well-being in the Western Pacific in 2050.

We invite submissions of art under five categories. Four categories focus on areas WHO believes will considerably impact and shape the future of health and well-being and one is an open category.  WHO particularly encourages young artists, women and artists from underrepresented groups to apply. You may submit up to one artwork per category (five in total).

People and society: the ways in which people, populations and society may impact health and well-being in 2050. 

societyThinking towards the future, how might our health and well-being be impacted by society by 2050?? How might people connect and socialize in 30 years? Where might social activities take place? What could families look like? What might society value most? Could there be changes in cultures, and how so? How might society be organized? Could social practices be different? What might our lifestyles be? How may these changes affect health and well-being? How else could changes in people, populations and society affect health and well-being in 2050?

Economy: the ways in which the economy in the Region may affect health and well-being in 2050

Thinking towards the future, how might our health and well-being be impacted by the economy by 2050? How will economic development affect health in 30 years? Will there be inequalities, and how will they threaten people’s health? Who is at risk of being left behind? Will your country provide better health coverage in future and how will this affect household spending on health care? Will everyone have access to essential health treatments and services like vaccines and medicines and scans? How else could changes in the economy affect health and well-being in 2050?

Technology: the ways in which the evolution of technology could affect health and well-being in 2050

Thinking towards the future, how might our health and well-being be impacted by technology by 2050? What major technological innovations in health do you predict? What will the medicine of tomorrow look like? What will the impact of new technologies on mental health be? How may new technologies affect age groups and their health differently? What does digital access to health services look like in the future? How else could changes in technology affect health and well-being in 2050?

Environment: the ways in which the environment may impact health and well-being in 2050

Thinking towards the future, how might our health and well-being be impacted by the environment by 2050? What will the climate look like in 30 years? What will be the status of air, water and soil? What will be the state of biodiversity in the Region? What will cities look like? What will rural areas look like? How will we use the land? What will humans’ relationship with animals, plants and the planet look like? How else could changes in the environment affect health and well-being in 2050?

Open category

This category aims to explore the future of health and well-being beyond the categories above. What else might impact health and well-being in the Region in 30 years?

How will the art exhibition work? 

All works that meet the exhibition’s rules will be exhibited in an online gallery. The name of the entrant, their contact details and their written statement will be displayed together with the artwork.

Gallery visitors will vote for their favourite. The artwork with the most votes will be highlighted as the People’s Choice.

In addition, a panel of art experts from the Western Pacific and staff from the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (futures experts and health professionals) will recognise the most inspiring and thought-provoking pieces in envisioning the future of health and well-being in 2050. 
Mentions will be given to up to three artworks in each category based on the following criteria:
  • Visual impact
  • Strength of the vision conveyed through the work
  • Strength of the vision conveyed through the statement
  • Original concept and theme: How well does the artwork relate to the theme?
These works will be pinned at the top of the 2D gallery and will be exhibited in a dedicated 3D virtual gallery.
The recognized artworks will receive a special mention certificate from WHO.
The exhibition does not award cash or any prizes other than certificates. There is no submission fee.

What forms of art can be submitted and in which format?

Most forms of visual art can be submitted. Entries must be the work of the entrant, but they do not need to be new. They must be in digital format (a still image) to allow for online viewing. Some examples are:
  1. Painting
  2. Drawing
  3. Fine print
  4. Illustration
  5. Collage
  6. Photography
  7. Digital art
  8. Fashion design
  9. Sculpture
  10. Assemblage / mixed media
  11. Other possibilities that fit into image/photo format for submission
-The files need to be uploaded in JPG or PNG and 72 (standard) DPI. 
-Upload only one file per entry.
-Do not include frames or backgrounds in the photos of the artwork.
-Please do not send any physical artwork.

Who can enter?

The exhibition is open to artists with a special interest in the Western Pacific Region (please see the map and list of countries and areas by visiting here). Submissions may be made by individuals or groups of individuals who are 18 years or older.

How to submit artwork?

Click here to submit your artwork/s:
The deadline for submission of entries is 31 January 2022 at 23:59 (GMT+8).
Before you submit, 
  1. Select which category you would like to enter:
    • People and society
    • Economy
    • Environment
    • Technology                
    • Open
  2. Enter a written statement explaining your vision of the future of health and well-being in the chosen category (mandatory). Please write your statement in English in a maximum of 500 words.
  3. Ensure that there is no signature, stamp or any other identifying mark on the entry.
  4. Register and submit on

User Entry Process Tutorial

Key dates

  1. 13 September 2021 – Artwork can be submitted until 31 January 2022
    • Click here to create an account on our platform and submit your artwork.
  1. 7 February 2022 – Exhibition and public voting open 
    • All artworks submitted that follow the terms and conditions will be exhibited publicly in a 2D gallery from 7 February. 
    • 2D gallery visitors can vote for their favourite artworks between 7 February – 6 March 2022. Each visitor can cast up to three votes through their Facebook account, with a maximum of one for each artwork. The artwork with the most votes will be highlighted as the People’s Choice in the 3D gallery.
  2. 6 March – Public voting closes
  3. Mentions are announced and 3D gallery opens (14 March 2022)
    • On 14 March, WHO will announce which artworks have been awarded with distinction or received the public choice award, and display them in a 3D gallery. 

Please click here to read the rules and terms before submission
Who can I contact if I have any questions?
Please submit your question through the platform.

We sincerely thank our supporters for their guidance and promotion of our call for entries.
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Ateneo Art Gallery
The Ateneo Art Gallery is a museum of Philippine modern and contemporary art of the Ateneo de Manila University.
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FT Gallery
FT is Cambodia’s first international Contemporary Urban Art gallery and street art/mural production company.