Archive Mode. Call WHO Futures Art Exhibition ended on 2/2/22, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Terms & Conditions

WHO Futures Art Exhibition


Rules and Terms 

By applying to the “WHO Futures Art Exhibition: Envisioning the Future of Health in 2050” (the “exhibition”), you are deemed to have read and consented to these rules in their entirety. 

Your application must comply with these rules, and the terms of, as they govern your submission and participation in the exhibition in all respects. In the event of any conflict between these rules and the terms of, these rules control. 

Submissions not in line with these rules may not be considered for selection and may be rejected by the World Health Organization (WHO), which is under no obligation to inform an applicant of this rejection (though WHO may provide such information at its discretion). 
You may withdraw your entry at any time upon written request to the WHO


The World Health Organization (WHO) makes the Futures Art Exhibition: Envisioning the Future of Health in 2050 available to artists and users wishing to post content, and other users wishing to view and read posted content, for the purpose of discussing the future of health in the Western Pacific Region in an interactive manner.

Participants, including the artists, are solely responsible for their contributions, and audiences are solely responsible for their interpretation of the posted content. Designations and terminology used by users may be at variance with that used by the World Health Organization and does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or of its authorities. 

The views expressed in the exhibition are those of the artists and do not necessarily reflect those of WHO. In no event shall WHO be responsible for the accuracy of information shared by any artist or audience of the exhibition.

The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products, any political or social agendas mentioned should there be any, does not imply that they are endorsed by WHO. 

Rules for entry

Every application must name the individual (or group of individuals), as the author(s) of the submission. 

In the case of a group of authors, the names and ages of all authors must be listed. This group will be considered as a single applicant in the copyright rules described below. The term “you” in these rules refers to each such applicant as an individual and as a group of applicants. 

Entrants must be at least 18 years old. WHO encourages all artists to apply and participate regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Young artists, women and artists from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. 

The objective of WHO is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible levels of health. Entries that conflict with this objective may not be published. 

WHO is guided by the United Nations’ principles of neutrality, impartiality and equity, as well as the protection of human rights. Entries that conflict with these principles may not be published.

Your submission must be your own work, must not be copied, must not contain any third-party materials and/or content that you do not have permission to use, must not promote your own or third party goods or services or include any trademarks (other than those belonging to WHO), and must not show inappropriate or dangerous behaviour, or otherwise be obscene, defamatory, distasteful, offensive, or in breach of any applicable legislation or regulations, or in breach of confidentiality obligations owed by you to third parties. If WHO has reason to believe your entry is not your own work, or if your entry otherwise breaches these rules, then we may not consider it and may disqualify it. 

In submitting an application to the exhibition, you warrant that:
  • you have not and will not grant licenses of your submission to companies dealing with military, arms, tobacco, alcohol or pharmaceutical products or services, or for advertising of commercial products or services; and  
  • your submission has not been produced with funds or any kind of support from the abovementioned industries.

Legal terms and conditions

  1. In submitting an entry for the exhibition, you agree, and agree to ensure that all production and distribution companies involved in your submission also agree, to give a non-exclusive, transferrable, fully paid up, perpetual, worldwide license to WHO for its public display of your piece(s) on the 2D and 3D galleries. 
  2. In addition, you agree, and agree to ensure that all production and distribution companies involved in your submission also agree, to extend the scope of the abovementioned license to all distribution of your submission by WHO in its various social media, digital and web platforms, as well as for additional exhibitions at national or international events in which WHO will have official participation, and further for WHO’s written publication on the project as well as for the purpose of educational activities. If you do not want to grant to WHO the rights set out above, please do not submit your contribution.
  3. By submitting an application, you warrant to WHO that your submission is your original work and in no way a violation of any existing copyright not declared to WHO, and to the extent the submission is not your original work, you have obtained all required permits and licenses to provide the licenses to WHO described above.
  4. You further warrant that consent has been obtained regarding the name, likeness, biography and picture related to any person, including any deceased person, figuring in your submission. Copies of any such permission and consent shall be provided to WHO together with the submission. 
  5. You will indemnify and hold WHO harmless for legal liability incurred by it on the grounds that the entry proposed would be a violation of the terms of these rules and any of the above warranties. 
  6. WHO may exclude your application from the exhibition if you breach these rules, breach any applicable law, or take any act or are party to any act or thing prejudicial to WHO’s goodwill, reputation or overall public image. 
  7. If your entry is selected by WHO, you are authorized to mention this selection in your communications, without using the WHO emblem. No other use of the WHO name or emblem is permitted by you without WHO’s written permission. 
  8. Any use by WHO of a submitted entry will acknowledge the author(s). 
  9. WHO is not providing any prize or any other benefit in connection with this exhibition. WHO accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, injury or disappointment incurred or suffered by you relating to this exhibition. WHO further disclaims liability for any injury or damage to your or any other person’s computer relating to or resulting from participation in or downloading any materials in connection with the exhibition. WHO reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, this exhibit, with or without prior notice, including due to reasons outside its control. The decision of WHO in all matters under its control is final and binding. 
  10. Any dispute relating to the interpretation or application of these rules or any other aspect of the exhibition shall, unless amicably settled, be subject to conciliation. In the event of failure of the latter, the dispute shall be settled by arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the modalities to be agreed upon by the parties or, in the absence of agreement, with the rules of arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. You and WHO shall accept the arbitral award as final. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a waiver of any of the privileges and immunities enjoyed by WHO under national or international law, and/or as submitting WHO to any national court jurisdiction. 

For further questions, please submit a question through the platform 

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