Archive Mode. Call WHO Futures Art Exhibition ended on 2/2/22, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

"The Sky Above the Port was the Colour of Television, Tuned to a Music Video"

"The Sky Above the Port was the Colour of Television, Tuned to a Music Video", Open
"The Sky Above the Port was the Colour of Television, Tuned to a Music Video" Future vision of the Open Category


Year Artwork Created
Artist Statement
In William Gibson's dystopian novels, his Asian-Pacific visions of the future were constantly bleak and full of uncertainties - with what remains of humanity dependent on hallucinogenatrix and an absence of arborescence. My artwork is an attempt to subvert these inauspicious prognostications of his, using generative, digital engineering to produce a scintillating distillation of a robust, kaleidoscopic, and jubilant 2050, eschewing a pessimistic purview that mirrors the present.


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